
Monday 2 December 2013

Christmas Countdown: Day 2: Lemon Macaroons

No, not the most festive of treats, but treats none the less.

Anyway, for those who don't know a macaroon is basically a meringue with ground almonds and extra sugar mixed in to it, it is then colored, pastel shades normally, and then piped in to small discs. The discs are then stuck together using a butter cream or other paste.

I chose lemon flavor as that is what John Whaite makes. However, from what I can gather, the flavor comes mainly from the filling, not the macaroon itself, meaning that I made a yellow macaroon with lemon butter cream. Simple.

I have never attempted macaroons before, and to be quiet honest it was very hard and I nearly cried while trying to put the mixture in to the piping bag. WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT?!

I had, also, never eaten a macaroon before in my life, ever. So I don't actually know what it is supposed to taste like. But on a general cake scale they were yummy.

Mine were a little irregular after the whole piping disaster, which concluded with my having cake mix up my arm and on the verge of tears, but they were fine in other ways, and it's what is on the inside that counts!

Well that's what I tell myself anyway...

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